Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Heart vs The Head

I sometimes think that the most difficult battles are ones which are fought within us. When it is you versus any external force, you can always chalk up a strategy, take advice from people and be armed and prepared for warfare. When it is between that little angel with wings and a halo and the devil with horns and a tail within you, you do know what is right and wrong. So you do have some parameter to guide you. But what when both the causes are right and both are dear to you? How do you brave these battles and choose which side to take and what to fight for?

I sometimes wonder whether it is only me who faces these terrible dilemmas.
I mean, can anybody else imagine a situation like this: there are two exams in a couple of days and I have to do really well in both to maintain my 4.0 points. There is absolutely no external pressure; I want to do this purely for my satisfaction. However, at times, there is this irrepressible urge to run away..............Run barefoot along a seashore with the wavelets breaking on my ankles and the wind in my hair. Run totally aimlessly.............
I know it simply does not make sense but it is almost like I can feel the call of the sea pulling some strings in heart making me yearn for it so bad that it almost hurts.

Another more practical example. I have an exam to proctor in 10 mins time. Suddenly a friend calls up who is apparently really upset about something. I do empathize with my friend and would have rushed over immediately. But there is something in my head which keeps telling me that duty comes first and should be attended first. Other things can be dealt with later.

So you see, in both the cases, both the causes are equally dear to me which makes it so difficult to take a decision. As you may have guessed, in my case, it is always the head which wins. The heart is rather mercilessly suppressed every time. But the point is.............WHY????????
isn't it natural for everything in nature to tend towards greater chaos? At least that what the concept of entropy says. So by listening to my head, which does tend to make me more ordered, am I going against nature? Am I looking to find order by the worng means whereas order actually lies in chaos?

These are some questions I will never find an answer for............


Blogger udax said...

With what justification do you apply concepts like entropy to abstract items like decisions, emotions and judgements? Sure, its a natural temptation to extend known concepts to an area where you don't know much.. but how do you justify that it is indeed so? You may say, "why not" (:D), but that still doesn't make us any wiser, does it?

10:16 PM  
Blogger shreya said...

Thanks for the critcism. But if you consider the basic definition of entropy, it is the measure of uncertainity in a system. I was trying to relate the chaos in nature to the chaos in an individual, which, me thinks, is not wrong as we are a part of nature. Just like there are many energy terms that makes a system tend towards higher entropy and hence higher chaos, I was wondering why we force ourselves be more ordered with the various parameters(like judgement, emotions etc) within us?

12:42 AM  
Blogger qanandam said...

You will always find answers by logic, only after you find them without it.

6:24 PM  

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