Thursday, July 20, 2006

It’s About Time!

An integral part of a graduate student's responsibilities are teaching the undergrads, as you all probably know! Well, it has its ups and downs and we could probably go into that some other time over a cup of my favorite caramel Frapuccino. For now, all I will say is, these kids are HILARIOUS!
I have been observing them for quite sometime now in the lab. They work very well in their groups of four and I really have no cause to complain. However, the thing that has been bothering me is that, once the experiment gets over, it is always the girls who have to wash and clean the glassware whereas the guys pretend to study the data and do the calculations. So I decided that it is about time this chauvinism came to an end. I pointed out to the girls that they clean the glassware everyday! That is all it took! Revolution broke out throughout the class immediately. Dirty funnels, measuring cylinders, flasks, burettes and pipettes changed hands and we girls watched on contentedly as the guys meekly and frantically scrubbed away.
It didn’t take too long though. I guess only a minute or two after they started their task, the first burette broke and then a water fight broke out followed by the breaking of another funnel.
So the glassware was snatched back into the gentler hands and I watched exasperated as the boys went back to fiddling with their calculators. One of the girls majoring in biochemistry very correctly said “you cannot do anything about it. Some things are just in their genetic code……. like checking out the babe on the other side of the road even though they are with their girlfriend."
I think some things will never change...........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i think guys can have gentle hands too. just need to do it more than once. but that checking-out-babes part is perfectly true. [:D]

6:39 PM  
Blogger shreya said...

Oh yes! And the sad part is that you guys we dont notice!

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

boys will be boys!!!

Girls are gentle by nature, tis not the nature of guys. Girls are attracted by the roughness of guys and guys are attracted by gentleness of girls...
hence you dont notice the gentle guys.

Guys are a ardent admirers of beauty, hence we check out babes. Its more like checking out wonderful works of art in a museum, even though we may be holding other artwork.[:D]

We dont want to do injustice to god's beautiful creations.[:D]

4:37 PM  
Blogger shreya said... missed the entirely didnt you? :)

7:32 PM  

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