Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The paradox of choice

It all began with the simple exercise of buying a pair of jeans in the mall one day. Nothing out of the ordinary, everyone does it at some point of time or the other in their lives. But then, there were about ten shops in the mall, all selling jeans of every possible variety imaginable, from boot cut to slim fit, from stone washed to classic blue. It took me almost the whole day to dig out the pair I wanted. On my way back home, I thought that buying trousers should not take the whole day! It was down right WRONG!

So the other day I was sipping on my coffee in Barnes and Nobles while my friend was looking for a book to give to his girlfriend. It was there that I came across this book “The paradox of choice”. I am not a big fan of modern bestsellers and so I didn’t stop more than a few seconds. But it put in an indelible and nagging thought at the back of my head. Does the plethora of choices that we are faced with really make things simpler for us?

I was walking down the aisle looking for chocolates and I counted up to fifty seven varieties of chocolates before I lost patience and decided not to go for any. And it is not only me! I have a friend who goes to Mill Avenue (a place near my house where you get food from pretty much all over the world) every Saturday to try “something different” but ultimately ends up in his tried and tested steak joint around the corner. Yet another girl I know said that she goes to her beautician every month and after browsing through all the possible fates that can befall her Rapunzel’s tresses, comes out without doing anything at all.

It is always nice to have choices but when we are flooded with an excess, it not only delays our decisions, it sometimes makes us shut out all the choices altogether. The same applies to relationships as well. There was this lady beside me on plane when I was returning from Florida. She was sixty six years old and was telling me about her husband. They met when they were both thirteen, fell in love and got married at the age of twenty three. Her eyes still light up with love when she speaks of him. When I asked her whether, ever, at any point of time, she felt he was not suitable for her or whether she felt there could have been anyone else, the ideas did not register at all. She was the happiest or rather, the most contented person I have ever met. In today’s world, we expect our partners to be tailor made to match up to our expectations. If one does not fit, we move on to the next. In contrast, the sixty six year old lady shaped her expectations based on the person. I definitely don’t know which way makes more sense but I can see that she is happier than I have ever been.

So does that mean that I will shut myself up from this world of choices and uncertainties? Well, I think the key to dealing with this contentment. As long as I don't compare my situation or experience with others I will be happy with the choice I have made. But easy as it sounds, I belive that it is the most difficult thing to get in this world.......and here there is definitely no choice at all!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I took refuge in the night, sought it to bring me deliverance, believed it to be my knight. I surrendered myself to it, let it engulf me with its darkness, wished it to camouflage all my fears. I pleaded it to raise me above this world; to enchant me with its beauty; to hypnotise me with its glory. But the morning came and blinded me; stabbed my eyes with its sharpened blades; snatched away that bohemian rhapsody and lcast me away with a requiem of the night...................

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Those IIT days

"Down the bay where the nights are gay(no pun intended)
And the sun shines gaily on the mountain tops
I took a trip on a sailing ship and when I reached IIT M, I made a stop
But I am sad to say I'm on my way, won't be back for many-a-day........."

IIT was a like a short stop over in this long and eventful journey called Life. But is was so adventure packed and fun-filled that I can live each and every moment of it all over again even when I think of it. So I finally decided not to rob "junta" out of the pleasure of reliving it with me and I will relate my memories to one and all.

It was a bumpy ride, no doubt, but then, nostalgia is a seductive liar and will make me look upon the past with rosy tinted spectacles. Also I will give my complete and uncensored opinions about people, being the untactful person that I always was, so if I will be stepping on any toes, please forgive me for it.
One word of caution though, dont be judgemental because you will find some extremly reckless and sometimes stupid deeds not too uncommon to a wild and unharnessed youthful soul!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A hero lies in you!

Sometimes you get this feeling that your world is crumpling and everything you live for is being snatched away from you. People take advantage of your naivety and helplessness and corner you into a situation when you are left with no other option but to give in. It is then that this depression sets in, slowly and sleathily like the darkness at the end of the day. It, sort of, engulfes you and suffocates you until you feel like thrashing your arms about to break free from this invisible shroud. The sheer injustice in the world overwhelmes you as you cry yourself to sleep at night.

But when you wake up in the morning, and see the sun shining outside and birds chirping, it feels like a brand new start altogether! After all, everyday is a brand new day, bringing new hopes and new promises just like the rays of hope that penetrate through the deep dark clouds. It is then that you finally pay heed to the voice within you which says that you maybe down but you are not out. You are a survivor and a fighter. Deserters are cowards and if someone is going to leave an unfinished battle, then that person will not be YOU! Sometimes it might take a Herculean effort on your part but you are willing to go the extra distance because you have not come so far just to quit.
After all, if life had been a cakewalk without any challenges and oppositions wouldnt it have bored you to tears??????????