Friday, August 18, 2006

Ain’t it funny?

Everyone has certain idiosyncrasies and it can’t be helped, of course. However, when you sit back and observe them, or think of them at leisure, it sure does appear funny! The primary reason being that there is no particular logic behind us doing these things but even then, they are so very important to us.
I, for example, have this habit of listening to a song over and over, and over again, if I happen to like it. This sometimes drives my roommates crazy and they swear that even if they originally liked that song, they will hate it forever from that day onwards. I had a friend, who had a friend, who was an extreme form of me. He used to record the same song over and over again in the same CD/cassette so that he wouldn’t have to rewind it again and again. Wow! Imagine an entire CD with only ONE song recorded over and over again.

My brother had this extremely irritating habit of holding someone's hand when he slept. It had to be either me or my Mom or Dad. He just refused to sleep unless he had a hand to hold on to. Well, he is the only person in this world whose idiosyncrasies I would gladly humor and so more often than not, I obliged. But I remember those times when I would have exams and he would take ages to sleep and ultimately I would dose off instead of revising my notes.

Speaking of exams, I don’t know whether this is an idiosyncrasy or plain old laziness but I HAVE to keep everything for the last minute. I will always stay up the whole night before any presentation or exam getting ready for it. This came as a shock to my American friends who would be ready with their stuff weeks before the due date. Every time I promise myself that the next time will be different but the 'next time' hasnt come as yet!

My sister had a math tutor who would make the strangest slurping sound when he was drinking his tea. He would pour out his tea onto a small plate and he would slurp away happily, blissfully oblivious of the racket he was causing. I would go into fits of laughter whenever I happened to be around and my poor sis had to struggle to keep a straight face.

And the award goes to......
My new roommate! She loves washing dishes....pots, pans, spoons, in fact everything washable! The utensils are always spick and span and a used dish barely has to touch the table before it is whisked off to the sink, given a thorough wash and put back on the dish rack. She puts the dishwasher in my apartment to shame with her skills.
Well, if she enjoys it, I am definitely not complaining!!!!!!


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